
Children Ministry

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Providing a fun, safe learning environment, where we teach & share the Word of God through various praise, worship, & ministry avenues/platforms is our passion.

From birth to elementary, ZHCF Children’s Ministries have multiple activities and events for your child. Contact the Church’s office @(318)704.6900 for more information.

Children Ministry Contacts

  • Children & Youth Ministry
    Jeremy Perkins, Destin Harris, Jessica Williams, Tevin Henton
    Lorena McCree
  • Youth Praise Dancers
    Teresa Lewis
  • Nursery
    Lorena McCree
  • Youth Choir
    Mathew R. Wilson III, Hattie O’Steen
  • Youth Mime Ministry
    Samantha Young